Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Media Diet

Monday:  today is my long school day so I have about 2 hours of a break to do reading and school work.  Today I spent my entire break on my computer to do readings for classes and also check my email.  When I got home at around 6, I watched some TV for maybe an hour or so and then I had to get started on my psychology paper that was due Wednesday.  I usually always have the TV on, whether I’m directly watching it or it’s on in the background. 

Tuesday:  I got home at about 4 from school today.  I turned on the TV when I got home and watched a few shows and then I started writing my paper.  Today I was on the computer from about 6 pm to 1 am.  This is extremely unusual for me because I am not a big computer person at all.  I usually have to use it for my research project with looking up and writing stuff up for it and I have to check my email frequently to stay in contact with my Professor, but other than that I would much rather be watching TV than surfing the internet. 

Wednesday:  today I had my 2 hour break again during school.  I also spent it on the computer doing readings and work for my classes.  Today I was pretty exhausted from writing my paper and school so I spent the night catching up on recorded shows and watching the Wednesday night line-up of my shows. 

Thursday:  today I got home at about 1 so I watched TV for a little bit and then decided to start doing some work on the computer until the Sharks game came on, but I was also watching TV while I was on the computer, as usual.  I did school stuff on the computer, on and off, until about 10.

Friday:  Friday mornings I have arrupe for a couple hours where I have to use the computer.  After I have one class and then I usually get home at 1.  Depending on how tired I am, I’ll either go to the gym or watch TV for a bit.  Friday’s are usually the days when I have time to do work for my project so I’ll use the computer for a couple of hours. 

Saturday:  Since it’s the weekend before finals week, there is a lot of school work to catch up on before my finals.  Today I spent pretty much the whole afternoon writing papers and reading for exams.  I took breaks a lot because I cant stand to be on the computer for long periods of time.  Usually my weekends are spent outside the house or watching TV, I mostly don’t even go on the computer unless I need to check email.

Sunday:  Today was also spent writing and reading.  Monday is my busiest day in terms of having stuff due, so today was pretty packed with being on the computer and doing work.  Normally, I probably wouldn’t have spent so much time using the computer. 

            I’m definitely aware that I probably have a slight TV addiction but it’s still weird to see it written out that I watch TV every day of my week.  I guess its better that I don’t spend all my time watching sitcoms and cartoons (although I love my cartoons), I also like watching educational shows and documentaries where I can learn something from them.  
            It’s also a little crazy to see how much time I have to spend on the computer just for classes and my project.  I think the more that I have to spend on it for school; the less I want to use it for fun purposes, especially when I don’t really like spending lots of time on it to begin with.  I don’t even think I went on the computer once during Thanksgiving break.  Practically all my reading and assignments are online, not to mention papers that have to be done on the computer. 
            I remember when I was in high school when I wouldn’t be at home much because I had work or I choose to spend it with my friends.  Now, I feel like I have so many school obligations that I have to do that all my time is spent at home on the computer or watching TV to de-stress from school.